Waiting for a Safer, More Better, Useful, Friendlier Facebook

Waiting for a Safer, More Better, Useful, Friendlier Facebook

Gary W. Morgan, The GabbyGary.

GARYWORDS – Facebook recently reminded me about a post I made 6 years ago (April 22, 2014) on my personal Facebook page. I had become dissatisfied with the way Facebook was handling my News Feed on that account. In the beginning, when I had signed up, reluctantly, a little worried about my possible loss of identity or usage of my identity that may occur if I would become a Facebook member, I was initially pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed keeping up with family, friends and past coworkers and classmates. However, Facebook went into a period of experimentation, I’m guessing, in their effort to make a good thing “better”.

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Facebook Trying To Police Campaign Manipulation

Facebook Trying To Police Campaign Manipulation

GARYTALK.COM – Facebook is ramping up it’s efforts to respond to the real threat to the United States democratic process this country’s intelligence agencies are warning about. The social media giant’s members were inundated with disinformation, misinformation and other campaigns meant to steer voters’ choices at the 2016 ballot box. There is fear that the persuasiveness of highly suspect untrue details being spread like wildfire by, sometimes, unsuspecting users via the Facebook Friends “sharing” posts to one another, may affect upcoming elections. Facebook has introduced at least one wrung in it’s plan to get voter truth back into the election system by turning off one possible avenue of misinformation. Let me explain.

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Please Do Not Throw Away U.S. Senator Al Franken

Please Do Not Throw Away U.S. Senator Al Franken

GARYTALK.COM (GARYWORDS 11-19-2017) – We’ve given some close scrutiny behind the headlines of the Frankenstory causing a stir of sorts. In reality, it’s not what it seems, but, the situation was bound to lead to this development. The stampede of ME-TOO-ism is muddying up the waters and, unintentionally, I’m sure, dirtying some fine people who have been doing some otherwise great things. Some of them, such as Minnesota U.S. Senator Al Franken (photo insert-left), have apparently not done anything terrible enough to warrant them resigning, as some people are suggesting. In Franken’s case, it just does not appear to be warranted.

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Innuendo, Untruths, Fantasies and Wishful Thinking

Innuendo, Untruths, Fantasies and Wishful Thinking

GARYTALK.COM (11/04/2016) – It seems, the closer we get to the day the Presidential Election takes place, the campaign messages from candidates, PACs, and candidate surrogates become even greater bags of wind, so to speak. The Innuendo, Untruths, Fantasies and Wishful Thinking become even less easier to take. It seems, sometimes, that the plan reflects the idea that the truth really is not important when it comes to convincing voters to place their mark after your name on ballots.

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