World Holds It’s Breath To See What Future Brings

World Holds It’s Breath To See What Future Brings

GARYTALK.COM (11/14/2016) – I have made it a tradition to vote on election day, not before, not by absentee ballot, so I waited for election day to mark my ballot in person this year, too. After I walked several blocks to the building to which I was assigned to vote, I was prepared for a long line of people snaking their way up to the tables to pick up a ballot. I expected to stand in another line waiting for an opening at one of the voting booths after I was given a ballot to mark. That was the scenario for both of the last two presidential elections in which Barack Obama was elected, then re-elected to another term.

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Innuendo, Untruths, Fantasies and Wishful Thinking

Innuendo, Untruths, Fantasies and Wishful Thinking

GARYTALK.COM (11/04/2016) – It seems, the closer we get to the day the Presidential Election takes place, the campaign messages from candidates, PACs, and candidate surrogates become even greater bags of wind, so to speak. The Innuendo, Untruths, Fantasies and Wishful Thinking become even less easier to take. It seems, sometimes, that the plan reflects the idea that the truth really is not important when it comes to convincing voters to place their mark after your name on ballots.

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