You Are Welcome To Visit Anytime is the Official Site of Gary W. MorganGARYTALK.COM (11/11/2015) – You are welcome to visit anytime. This website features Written and Spoken Words of Gary W. Morgan and recorded Conversations with Friends and Newsmakers. Gary W. Morgan is a semi-retired communications industry, radio personality, newspaper reporter, news anchor, music director, commercial continuity director, program director, radio station manager, newspaper reporter, photographer and editor, and, most recently, involved in producing website graphics, logos and advertising, and creating, designing and maintaining internet websites, as well as programming and presenting music for an internet radio station.

During the course of his career, Gary has covered several murder trials, and held over-the-air interviews with hundreds of authors, politicians, entertainers and other newsmakers. He has also written thousands of news stories, commentary and observations for newspapers, radio broadcasts and internet websites. He does all of that to a lesser extent these days, on the internet. His ongoing internet activity keeps his semi-retired body moving and sparks his productive mind, which enables him to be a continuing, contributing, meaningful part of society.

The website,, reflects upon Gary’s experience and output as a journalist and personality since his career started in the mid-1960s. is also on Facebook and Twitter. Here’s an easy link to go to our Twitter Page and to our page on Facebook.

You are welcome to visit our website anytime and, for goodness sakes, when you go to our Social Media pages, don’t leave our Facebook page without “Liking” it, and you’re very welcome to “Follow” us on Twitter. If you do, in both instances, we’ll send you notifications of important information about our website and other stuff from time to time, and a comment or two now and then. Happy to be followed and liked. Please do so.


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GABBYGARY is Gary W. Morgan, a semi-retired professional journalist, radio news anchor, air personality, and newspaper editor-reporter from 1966-2000. After a State Assembly Primary loss, he started the internet part of his career, building and maintaining websites, and providing news, info, and other content to internet readers. Since 2001 his work has been published online at,,,, TheTopNews.Net, and elsewhere. He also programs and presents a Classic Hits Mix of Classic Rock and Pop Oldies on an internet radio station called Classic Hit Oldies, listed in major directories like Internet-Radio, and heard in popular Mobile Apps like TuneIn, Simple Radio, OnlineRadioBox, and others. See GABBYGARY in our top menu for more about Gary W. Morgan.