Gary Talks With Tony Ruesch: 30 Years of Public Service

Gary Talks With Tony Ruesch: 30 Years of Public Service

Gary W. Morgan (GabbyGary)

GARYTALK – You’re invited to a video from the history book of a Wisconsin county smack dab in the middle of the state. Back in the year 2002, then recently retired Wood County, Wisconsin, County Clerk Tony Ruesch and I recorded a conversation for viewing on the River Cities Public Access Channel in Central Wisconsin. I had also recently retired from my news position at WFHR radio in Wisconsin Rapids. During ten years at WFHR, I had interviewed newsmakers on-air, daily. The following is similar to the kinds of audio conversations I often had for WFHR audiences and on other stations around the state during my radio career, except this is with moving pictures.

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Gary Talks With Kurt Heuer: A Sheriff’s Work Is Never Done

Gary Talks With Kurt Heuer: A Sheriff’s Work Is Never Done

Gary W. Morgan (GabbyGary)

GARYVIDEOS at – Wondering about overcrowded jail problems in a Wisconsin detention facility at the turn of the century and how the 911 incident affected state law enforcement? There are interesting facts and info about that from nearly twenty years ago in a recently posted discussion with then Wood County, WI Sheriff Kurt Heuer. Heuer talked with Gary Morgan in a videotaped conversation in 2002 about the 9/11/2001 incident, anti-terrorist precautions, the need for additional jail space, and shipping prisoner overflow to outside jails while the county attempted to raise funds for a new jail, and more.

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Gary Talks State Budget With GOP’s MaryAnn Lippert

Gary Talks State Budget With GOP’s MaryAnn Lippert

Gary W. Morgan (GabbyGary)

GARYVIDEOS – The second episode of a video talk show featuring host Gary W. Morgan, a retired broadcast radio news anchor-reporter, and various guests. This episode became available at the authentic McStreamy Video Channel on YouTube, June 12, 2020, and on this page at the website. Gary Morgan originally produced this series of programs for the River Cities Public Access Cable Channel, Wisconsin Rapids, WI after retiring from a radio news position in the year 2000 culminating a lengthy career in radio and newspaper news gathering and editing at several locations around the State of Wisconsin, including the past decade at WFHR-AM in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin.

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Gary Talks With Legendary State Democrat Marlin Schneider

Gary Talks With Legendary State Democrat Marlin Schneider

Gary W. Morgan (GabbyGary)

GARYVIDEOS – There once was a wise state politician who was good enough to get re-elected umpteen times from 1970 to 2010. His name, Marlin Schneider, a wise man among politicians who started as an educator turned politician after teaching high school in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin. Marlin, born in LaCrosse, Wisconsin, became a young teacher not too long out of college before getting the bug to run for a chance to be elected to represent the 72nd Assembly District in the Wisconsin State Capital. We talk about many subjects in this cable tv show which was originally seen in 2002.

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