LOOKING BACK: Obamanos Does Not Mean No To Obama

LOOKING BACK: Obamanos Does Not Mean No To Obama

GARYTALK.COM (09/02/2016) – It’s amazing that something I wrote years ago is just as true today as it was then, and, perhaps much more so. However, when you add the inevitable Donald Trump to the picture, the hateful rhetoric rises to fever proportions. Let’s spend a few moments reminiscing about my take on “Obamanos”, Republican obstruction, media misinformation and how it all has created the frenzy known as Trump’s Army of Supporters in this presidential election year.

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Music Can Take Away The Sting If You Just Listen

Music Can Take Away The Sting If You Just Listen

GARYTALK.COM (08/05/2016) – I just realized, it’s been awhile since I sat down at my computer keyboard to write something here. I’ve been busy with writing content and creating images for a couple of other websites, which hasn’t given me much left over time to write for these pages. So, with the sounds of Weird Al Yankovic doing his 1984 hit parody, “I Lost On Jeopardy”, coming out of my stereo speakers through the magic of streaming internet radio, let’s do this.

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My Brush With The Celebrated Dr. Joyce Brothers

My Brush With The Celebrated Dr. Joyce Brothers

GARYTALK.COM (05/13/2016) – Best selling author, radio-tv personality, speaker, and one-time game show contestant, Dr. Joyce Brothers, died during May of 2013, at the age of 85. One of the most outstanding moments in my life was the time I did an in person, on location, radio interview with Dr. Joyce Brothers when she appeared at a Central Wisconsin convention at the old Holiday Inn in Stevens Point, WI, back in the mid 1990s.

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Kelly And Michael Split Up As Michael Strays

Kelly And Michael Split Up As Michael Strays

garytalk_garywords_darker-green-background_GARYTALK.COM (04/22/2016) – No, we’re not talking about Kelly Ripa and her television husband Michael splitting up their marriage (she is actually married to Mark). We’re referring to the sad announcement that Michael Strahan, Ripa’s on-air partner since Regis Philbin announced his retirement, has decided to make a career move that forces the breakup of the successful co-hosts. We’re also referring to the sad commentaries of people on Facebook, and elsewhere, who have placed all of the blame on Kelly Ripa, suggesting she is a (insert B-Word here). It would be silly, if, it wasn’t such a hurtful, mistaken, and distasteful thing to say.

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