GARYTAPES is the place on to find recorded radio conversations from the past. Many of the recordings involved well known people while others were just very interesting persons with interesting occupations or situations. The discussions originally aired during the latter part of the 20th Century. Gary Morgan has been lugging around at least 100 or more analog tapes and plans to share the audio as they are dubbed to digital, mp3 form.
Gary saved numerous recorded conversations from the decades that he worked at broadcast radio stations. Some of the recordings were made in remote locations and later aired for radio listeners to hear, while still others were recorded in studio. Most of the cassette tapes are from the 1990s when Gary was a news anchor and air personality at a well respected, award winning, Central Wisconsin news and public affairs station. Unfortunately, although Gary worked at several prior stations on his way up the career ladder, most of the recordings made of his work at those stations either weren’t saved, or, have since disappeared.
Therefore, the transfers from analog to digital media will only be much of the best of the 1990s. Again, we have to mention, even some of the very, very, best radio interviews from the 90s have yet to be found in boxes packed away, or may have disappeared, themselves, been misplaced, or were originally recorded directly onto a computer hard drive and later erased. However, one can only pass on to you that which is actually available, so, that is what we will do.
At this writing, because we haven’t found all of the boxes in which tapes have been stored, we can only mention a few that we expect to have transferred to digital from the original cassette tapes. They include, but are not limited to, conversations with former Wisconsin Republican Governor Tommy Thompson. Thompson resigned during his final term as Governor to become U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services from 2001-05 during the President George W. Bush administration.
Some other conversations, uncovered so far, but, not yet transferred to digital, include longtime Wisconsin, U.S. Congressional Representative David Obey. Gary Morgan held radio conversations with well known Democrat Dave Obey, starting early in Obey’s long, 1969 to 2011, multi-term run in Congress. Some of the discussions were on cassette tape and some even recorded on the really old, Reel-To-Reel tapes, while others were live, or on hard drive and, unfortunately, many recordings were deleted or erased. We will only be able to transfer what is available, and will do so as time allows.
There are numerous other, what are now, historical discussions about topics and situations in the news at the time the conversations took place that we will share with you here in the GaryTapes section of Since we haven’t found all of the tapes yet, we can only tell you at this time, some of the other conversations are with Wisconsin Assembly Representative Marlin Schneider. Snarlin’ Marlin, as some of his contemporaries dubbed him. Marlin was a school teacher turned effective politician. He became the longest serving Democrat in the Assembly, ever. His constituents sent him back to Madison, Wisconsin to represent them for several decades. Marlin represented the 72nd Assembly District from 1970 to 2010.
This has been a small listing of some of those recordings on their way to the GaryTapes on the website, but, it will take some time to dub the cassette audio from cassette configuration to digital for MP3 reproduction over the internet. As soon as the recordings are available in digital form, they will be added online for you to hear.
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