How Do You Expect Me to Write My Book With All This Going On?

How Do You Expect Me to Write My Book With All This Going On?

GARYWORDS at – Hey, you guys! You House Managers, Trump Attorney’s, Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts, and you guys and gals in the United States Senate, I’m trying to write my first novel, here. Stop taking up all my time and sapping away my energy with this Senate Impeachment Trial you’ve been spending hours and days on. With spending so many hours per day of me intently glued to the proceedings on television screens, how do you expect me to make any headway on my novel?

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This President Continues To Be An Embarrassment.

This President Continues To Be An Embarrassment.

GARYWORDS by The Real GabbyGary – I’m sorry, but, any truly conscientious person who has been paying close attention to the daily, real news coming out of Washington, D.C., the home of the United States Congress, White House and various federal agencies, should already understand why the Impeachment Inquiry in the House of Representatives is taking place. However, some comments made by Facebook Friends, indicate this is not the case.

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Keeping Busy In Retirement Makes Life Satisfying.

Keeping Busy In Retirement Makes Life Satisfying.

GARYTALK.COM – I’ve not written anything for my GaryWords section of Garytalk for quite awhile. It’s not that I’ve taken a vacation, or anything as pleasurable as that. It’s quite the opposite. During my retirement years, I’ve been partially busy writing and editing content for eight websites. Additionally, I’ve been occupied with curating and processing photos for optimal internet viewing on and for the same websites. I also maintain each of the websites as webmaster, which requires a little, internal, technical work now and then. But, that’s not all.

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