Keeping Busy In Retirement Makes Life Satisfying.

Keeping Busy In Retirement Makes Life Satisfying.

GARYTALK.COM – I’ve not written anything for my GaryWords section of Garytalk for quite awhile. It’s not that I’ve taken a vacation, or anything as pleasurable as that. It’s quite the opposite. During my retirement years, I’ve been partially busy writing and editing content for eight websites. Additionally, I’ve been occupied with curating and processing photos for optimal internet viewing on and for the same websites. I also maintain each of the websites as webmaster, which requires a little, internal, technical work now and then. But, that’s not all.

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Long Radio, Writing and Graphics Career Led To The Internet

Long Radio, Writing and Graphics Career Led To The Internet

GaryTalk.comGARYTALK.COM – During a professional radio and newspaper communications industry career that started prior to 1967, Gary Morgan has been a Newspaper Editor, Printing & Publishing Business General Manager, Radio DeeJay, News Director, Station Manager, and, half of a successful daily radio program called MICHAELS & MORGAN with J.D. Michaels (Morgan insists it was called MORGAN & Michaels). For a brief time, in the Year 2000, Morgan was also a politician, but, more about all of that at another time. The main thing is, everything work related led Morgan to getting involved in the internet.

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GaryTalk Is The Official Website Of Gary Morgan

GaryTalk Is The Official Website Of Gary Morgan is the Official Site of Gary W. MorganGARYTALK.COM (11/12/2015) – We sure do appreciate the continued patience you and other visitors to are displaying during our rebuild. A few words about the founder of this website: Gary W. Morgan is a semi-retired over-the-air radio broadcaster and newspaper person, who was involved in both news, entertainment and advertising from 1967-2000. This website is designed to share some of the work he has done in the past and some of the current projects he has been working on during the decade and a half since retiring from the broadcast radio and printed newspaper part of his working life.

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