Some People Get Lucky, But Truth Is, Seatbelts Work

Some People Get Lucky, But Truth Is, Seatbelts Work

GARYTALK.COM (04/10/2017) – A video someone shared on Facebook reminded me of an incident in my past. The video on Facebook showed a traffic accident in which a driver lost control and was visibly thrown from the car as it went into the ditch at high speed. The man apparently was not wearing a seat belt. The driver was ejected, yet, miraculously, walked away after being assisted by numerous passersby who stopped to help. The video takes my memory back to the early morning I hit a big buck on a lonely northern Wisconsin highway during my drive to work on a radio station morning show before the sun came up several decades ago.

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Still Hoping For Signs of “Presidential” Donald Trump

Still Hoping For Signs of “Presidential” Donald Trump

GARYTALK.COM (02/17/2017) – I’ve been trying to give our new United States president, Donald J. Trump, time to work out the bumps of his new administration and settle into, confidently, being the best president he can be, for all of the country. I have refrained from committing in writing, a critical look at his presidency, in hopes that he would settle down into “being presidential”, and have given him many opportunities to do so. At this point, based on his behavior so far, I’m not sure it’s going to happen.

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LOOKING BACK: Obamanos Does Not Mean No To Obama

LOOKING BACK: Obamanos Does Not Mean No To Obama

GARYTALK.COM (09/02/2016) – It’s amazing that something I wrote years ago is just as true today as it was then, and, perhaps much more so. However, when you add the inevitable Donald Trump to the picture, the hateful rhetoric rises to fever proportions. Let’s spend a few moments reminiscing about my take on “Obamanos”, Republican obstruction, media misinformation and how it all has created the frenzy known as Trump’s Army of Supporters in this presidential election year.

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Music Can Take Away The Sting If You Just Listen

Music Can Take Away The Sting If You Just Listen

GARYTALK.COM (08/05/2016) – I just realized, it’s been awhile since I sat down at my computer keyboard to write something here. I’ve been busy with writing content and creating images for a couple of other websites, which hasn’t given me much left over time to write for these pages. So, with the sounds of Weird Al Yankovic doing his 1984 hit parody, “I Lost On Jeopardy”, coming out of my stereo speakers through the magic of streaming internet radio, let’s do this.

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