Will Donald Trump Finally Be The President We Hoped For?

Will Donald Trump Finally Be The President We Hoped For?

Gary W. Morgan (GabbyGary)

GARYWORDS – As if things weren’t bad enough following 3 and a half years of Donald J. Trump occupying the White House in Washington, D.C., the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic became another headache when it swiftly became a “pandemic” after the virus spread throughout the world and came to the shores of the United States. It came by ship and planes filled with thousands of people who picked up the virus during their travels to other countries where unknowingly they were exposed to the highly contagious monster that invades the bodies of those susceptible. It didn’t take long for things to become even weirder, to say the least.

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You Are Welcome To Visit GaryTalk.com Anytime

You Are Welcome To Visit GaryTalk.com Anytime

Garytalk.com is the Official Site of Gary W. MorganGARYTALK.COM (11/11/2015) – You are welcome to visit Garytalk.com anytime. This website features Written and Spoken Words of Gary W. Morgan and recorded Conversations with Friends and Newsmakers. Gary W. Morgan is a semi-retired communications industry, radio personality, newspaper reporter, news anchor, music director, commercial continuity director, program director, radio station manager, newspaper reporter, photographer and editor, and, most recently, involved in producing website graphics, logos and advertising, and creating, designing and maintaining internet websites, as well as programming and presenting music for an internet radio station.

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