GARYTALK.COM (02/29/2016) – During this Presidential Primary season, I was starting to get really fed up with hearing over and over and over, the obnoxious things uttered out of the mouth of Republican Presidential Primary candidate Donald Trump. I have not been able to understand the popularity he has gathered in the polls and Republican primary results thus far. I keep hoping the human beings who find him so politically attractive will come to their senses and cease such misplaced loyalty.
One of my Facebook Friends suggests trying to understand won’t help me. He suggests, probably tongue in cheek, that to support Trump one must feel the anger and massage the fear to become part of the “conservative spirit”. My Facebook Friend suggests people who follow Trump may be doing so because they are not employing any form of “reasoning”. Rather it may just be plain old “emotion” powering their blind support. Besides, my Facebook Friend observed, “stupid is trendy right now”. He suggests, perhaps, people may not be paying enough attention to the reality that the Trump candidacy is faulty. He says, “anything over two paragraphs doesn’t reach the intended target.”
My lack of understanding is all about why Trump’s followers are supporting a braggart, bully, apparent bigot, hate-spreader, who never gives any substantive answers and/or solutions to any of the problems of today. When one actually listens to Trump’s rhetoric, it’s easy to tell he is not someone who represents the true ideals of the American way of life. As a result, he is easily, not someone most people in this country would want to see in the White House oval office. This is the Presidential Primary Season, so, why are so many people wasting their time and effort on someone who is not suited for the position, by temper, attitude, diplomacy, crudeness, social tendencies, or otherwise?
Another of my Facebook Friends suggests, perhaps, the “anger” Trump followers are feeling may be due to the “frustration” they feel because “the current two party system has created an environment for him to flourish.” This second Facebook Friend suggests, “people have sent politicians to Washington because they will balance the budget – and don’t; will control spending – and don’t; will get us out of a war – and don’t; will do x, y, or z – and then don’t.” The second Facebook Friend then suggests, “not only do some of them not do it, they vote for items that are directly opposite of what they said when they got elected.” He further suggests, “people are SICK of business as usual.”
The fact is, Congress is ultimately in charge of balancing the budget, controlling spending, and x, y, or z, etc. The answer is not in electing a buffoon to the presidency, or even giving him a chance to be chosen for that prestigious post. The answer is in electing wise people to the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives who are not afraid of doing the “correct” thing, rather than, simply, the “Right” thing.
I sometimes write commentary from time to time in articles I write that are published in various websites. I was in the process of thoughtfully preparing to get on my high horse about the Trump Phenomenon. However, I found that Jeremy Nix wrote an “Open Letter” about it, published at, that pretty much says close to what I probably would have ended up writing.
David Brooks also wrote an excellent assessment of the Trump phenomenon, published at the New York Times. It’s all about The Governing Cancer of Our Time being the culprit that explains why “Donald Trump’s candidacy is the culmination of 30 years of antipolitics”.
Still a third Facebook Friend observes, “if Sanders, the most extreme Dem candidate, and Trump, the most extreme GOP candidate, both win their nominations there’s HUGE space for an independent to jump in”. She suggests, if that third candidate could appeal to both sides, they might “win an election in a landslide.” She says, “these guys are creating a vacuum begging to be filled.”
It seems, no matter what side a person might be on, with all of the nonsense that’s been going on, politically, it’s easy to be tempted to put in one’s “two cents”. Just as I and my Facebook Friends were tempted to do.
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