GARYTALK.COM (11/20/2015) – Today, we’re looking back to February 2, 2012, when, after a long and welcome presence on television, Regis Philbin decided coming in to the studio everyday was no longer for him. He turned the reigns over to his, then, on air partner, Kelly Ripa.
This is what I wrote about the change while a search was going on to find a replacement partner for Ripa. It took awhile to find someone to compliment Kelly and then, lo and behold, there was Michael Strahan. The following was written before Strahan joined the new team.

I have enjoyed the Regis and Kelly Live show off and on, whenever possible, ever since Kelly came to Regis’ rescue after Kathy Lee left. I also watched from time to time when Kathy Lee was sitting in the “Kathy Lee Chair”.
Kathy Lee was always a “hoot” and the chemistry between her and Regis Philbin was extraordinary. Few thought Kathy Lee could be replaced, but the audience crossed their fingers that it could be done, while Regis continued his steady and often humorous hand to inform and entertain, while a replacement was being sought.
The production finally landed a superb replacement to sit in the “Kathy Chair”, in the form of Kelly Ripa, and, the team of Regis and Kelly settled into a well-oiled machine, entertaining and informing, only the way Kelly and Regis could. What a great hour to spend with two sort of “family members” for us in the viewing audience, nearly every day. What a feat to accomplish!
Kelly was a great asset to “Live” back in the day when Raging Regis was the guy in the stage right seat at the start of the show (audience left) after Kathy Lee moved on to other things in her life. However, it had to come to an end, sooner or later. Nothing that enjoyable, especially the segment at the top of each show, could go on forever.
When Regis decided to “retire” after being on television for umpteen number of years, I, for one, was saddened, because Regis is a unique, wonderful talent who has left a hole, hard to be filled by anyone else. However, I knew, down deep, that Kelly could carry on, because I have great respect for her abilities to make the audience and guests feel extremely comfortable. Now, if only they could find someone to comfortably settle into the Regis Chair.

I found that Kelly continues to be an asset to the show while trying to continue on without Regis, but, she’s not Regis (of course no one is). It’s just really difficult to see her in the seat occupied by Regis, so well, at the beginning of the show. I, personally feel more at ease when she’s sitting stage left (audience right), in the Kelly Chair, at the beginning of each episode.
They complimented each others efforts to be entertaining and informative, everyday. I understand that there comes a time for everyone to want to retire, but, it will, indeed, be very difficult to come up with an on-camera match for Kelly’s talents to be fully realized on “Live” again. Take your time, production staff and producers, and everyone else in on the decision, until you have the right person for that Regis Chair.
In the meantime, for goodness sakes, from the point of view of an appreciative viewer and an experienced broadcaster, Kelly, make yourself more comfortable in your current role, and the audience more comfortable when watching:
Take the seat that is the “Kelly Chair”, because, it would be hard for anyone else to fill that seat, now that you’ve spent so many years making the Kelly Chair your own place to “shine”. Let someone else make the Regis Chair, their own chair, just like you put in your time and energy to make the Kelly Chair, yours.
The above is a reprint of “Kelly Ripa: Stay In The ‘Kelly Chair’ Where You Really Shine”, which was originally published 02/02/2012.
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