Long Radio, Writing and Graphics Career Led To The Internet

GaryTalk.comGARYTALK.COM – During a professional radio and newspaper communications industry career that started prior to 1967, Gary Morgan has been a Newspaper Editor, Printing & Publishing Business General Manager, Radio DeeJay, News Director, Station Manager, and, half of a successful daily radio program called MICHAELS & MORGAN with J.D. Michaels (Morgan insists it was called MORGAN & Michaels). For a brief time, in the Year 2000, Morgan was also a politician, but, more about all of that at another time. The main thing is, everything work related led Morgan to getting involved in the internet.

Part of his radio and newspaper career has taken Gary Morgan into courtrooms, government meetings, community events and businesses to report on the events and activities going on there. He reported on murder case investigations and trials, local and county government, state politics, school district matters and federal government activities.

Gary W. Morgan held thousands of on-air conversations with Governors, Attorneys General, State and U.S. Senators, Congressional Representatives, Wisconsin Assembly Representatives, State and Federal Agency Heads, Local and State Charitable and Nonprofit Organization leaders, Entertainers, Authors, and other Newsmakers and Interesting People during his newspaper and radio broadcasting career.

Gary W. MorganGary Morgan resigned from his radio news anchor/interviewer/reporter job at the end of May, 2000, to devote full-time to running for a Wisconsin State Assembly seat, which was being vacated by the retiring, long time incumbent. Many interviewees. politicians, business people, and others, suggested he was ideal to represent the assembly district in which he had resided during his growing up years. However, the Primary Voters placed the young woman who ran opposite him in the Primary on the General Election ballot, instead.

It turned out that a well known Washington D.C political figure threw his weight behind Gary’s Primary opponent, which helped to tip the scales in her favor among primary voters. Unfortunately, Gary’s primary opponent went on to narrowly lose the seat, which had been held by her Party for decades under the retired incumbent. But, all of that, is another story.

Losing the Primary Battle taught Morgan some lessons about politics, politicians, and life. Some of the experiences he would rather not have learned. But, overall, the adventure of the endeavor, is something he would not have experienced, if he would not have tried. He knew going in losing the political gamble was one of the options, but, he also knew, if he had not jumped into the fray, he would regret not doing so the rest of his life. You never know what will happen in any situation, until you try. When the incumbent retired from representing the district in which Gary had spent his  elementary school years, the time was at hand to give it his best shot, so, Gary did, but, it wasn’t to be.

After the primary loss, Gary Morgan moved into the World of The Internet, building and maintaining websites and providing written and graphics content on their pages. Even though, on the surface, his career to that point appeared to depend on his voice and writing skills, Gary had learned page layout, creation of print advertising and other graphics skills behind the scenes. So, the combination of all of his experiences seemed perfect for a relatively smooth transition into his second career as an internet entrepreneur, webmaster and technician.

Some recent websites Gary Morgan is involved in are Clik2Go.com, GreatGold.fm, WisconsinReport.com, McStreamy.com, USWebDaily.com, as well as Garytalk.com, and a few others. Garytalk.com, and the other internet projects he is involved in as a semi-retired, retired person, is a life-long continuation of Gary Morgan’s quest to provide information and entertainment for people to enjoy, and from which, they perhaps might learn something they didn’t know before.

We likely will go into more detail about each of the above adventures in Gary’s life, and, maybe even more experiences still to be revealed, on other pages in this website, from time to time. Stay tuned.

ABOUT Gary W. Morgan and Garytalk.com

Garytalk.com 2015 Website Logo.

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GABBYGARY is Gary W. Morgan, a semi-retired professional journalist, radio news anchor, air personality, and newspaper editor-reporter from 1966-2000. After a State Assembly Primary loss, he started the internet part of his career, building and maintaining websites, and providing news, info, and other content to internet readers. Since 2001 his work has been published online at Clik2Go.com, WisconsinReport.com, McStreamy.com, USWebDaily.com, TheTopNews.Net, and elsewhere. He also programs and presents a Classic Hits Mix of Classic Rock and Pop Oldies on an internet radio station called GreatGold.fm Classic Hit Oldies, listed in major directories like Internet-Radio, and heard in popular Mobile Apps like TuneIn, Simple Radio, OnlineRadioBox, and others. See GABBYGARY in our top menu for more about Gary W. Morgan.