INSTRUCTIONS: This Morbizco Contact Form can be used to get in touch with GARYTALK. All items marked with a Red Asterisk must be answered for the form to work. The only question where the answer is not mandatory is the question about “My Website”, which should be answered if your contact is in regard to your website. Please fill in sufficient information in the MESSAGE portion of the form, but be as brief as possible.
Please select GARYTALK from the drop down box next to TO WEBSITE to make sure it gets to the correct department.
When you have included everything, be sure to click on SEND. An email will be sent to you from MORBIZCO, our parent organization, acknowledging that your message has been received and will be answered soon. When the filled in Contact Form and details are routed to the appropriate department an additional email will be sent to you in response to your note.
Please fill in YOUR REAL EMAIL address so this process can be followed through to completion successfully. Thank you.